Nepal's Wembley - Dasharath Rangasala, lacks that charm. On the contrary, it's hard to find a Nepali footballer of any ability who has not played there. Just in the last few months everything from the Pepsi 7-A-Side to the B-Division to the qualifying rounds of the Coca-Cola School Tournament have been held there. As a result there isn't anything special about Rangasala these days: playing there is not special; watching a match there is not special. If anyone is curious as to why attendance at football matches is declining, that is one of the key reasons.
There were no alternatives in the past, but now with the two ANFA technical centers in Sadobato and Chyasal, there really is no need to play minor matches at the national stadium anymore. Save Rangasala for the big occasions. When a player or fan goes to the stadium, it should be a highlight of their life.